Dolly Varden Native Fish Hat

on $49+

The Dolly Varden
One of the most beautiful fish species you will come across. But also a little bit misunderstood. In the early 1900's a bounty was placed on the Dolly because people thought that they were too predatory towards salmon. As it turns out, they are more of a scavenger than a predator, mainly feeding on the drifting eggs of salmon that wouldn't have attached anyway. When they get big and ready to spawn the Dolly Varden has some of the best colors on a fish you will ever see.
Habitat - The amazing thing about Alaska is how remote so much of the rivers are. So these fish tend to thrive on salmon eggs in many of the fisheries around the state and down the coast of Canada.
Conservation - We donate 4.20% of every purchase directly to organizations helping to preserve this species.
100% polyester
One size fits all adjustable snapback
100% cotton rope
Navy hat with orange rope to match the nice undercarriage of the fish.